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What algrorithm computes a mutally exclusive partitioning from two regulair expressions?

The Question A regular expression, such as AL+[EYI]+, represents a set of strings. ...
Toothpick Anemone's user avatar
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Returning all the combinations of a string using regex

Is it possible for a regex pattern to return all the 2^n combinations of characters of a string as matches? For example, if the string is ...
Anmol Singh Jaggi's user avatar
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How use generalized suffix tree to match prefix string?

I know that generalized suffix tree can match substring for a given pattern. But I have need a data structure which is able to match prefix of many strings. match sub string of of many strings. For ...
worldterminator's user avatar
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Regular expression for capturing a "C-style" string

I have started to learn automata theory and languages. I am new to regular expressions. As a use case in real world, I would like to construct a regular expression to accept a c-style string: ...
rranjik's user avatar
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