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Questions tagged [suffix-trees]

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Construction time complexity of suffix automata

I was reading about suffix automata on cp-algorithms. I didn't completely understand their argument that redirecting transitions will take linear time in total. I only understood the first part, where ...
Benjamin Chen's user avatar
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Efficient generalized suffix array/tree construction for prefix trees

Is there any algorithm that can efficiently construct a generalized suffix tree or array (or something similar) for a set of strings represented by a prefix tree (trie)? In particular, I'm wondering: ...
user541686's user avatar
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What is the time complexity of determining maximal overlaps between bitmap images?

Given two bitmap images (two arbitrarily sized two-dimensional matrices of integer values ranging from 0 to some maximum number), I want to determine their maximum overlaps. An overlap is a relative ...
reinierpost's user avatar
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Find repeated patterns in a string via lossy compression

Description The task is to identify repeated patterns in a string and do lossy compression of the input string using the found patterns. The output is a list containing different ways of encoding the ...
dizcza's user avatar
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How to find the LCP of string pairs in a set

I have a set of $k$ strings of $n$ length each. I need an algorithmic strategy that finds the LCP (Longest Common Prefix) of each set's string pair. In addition, I need time complexity $O(k*n+a)$, ...
George Verouchis's user avatar
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Checking the existence of a pattern in a given prefix

I need to design an algorithm that given a string $T$ of length $n$, performs $O(n)$ preprocessing, and can then answer queries of the sort "does a string $P$ of length $m$ appear in $T$ before ...
George Verouchis's user avatar
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Why is converting a suffix tree to a suffix array not O(nklogk) time

Let's say that we have computed a suffix tree in O(n) time, and wish to use this to create a suffix array. According to wikipedia: A suffix tree can be built in $O(n)$ and can be converted into a ...
Recessive's user avatar
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How to find the alphabetically min and max of substrings that begin with [a, b, c, d, e] and end with [h, i, j, k, l, n]

I was asked this question today: given a very long string x, which contains only lower case alphabets. A valid substring can only started with [a, b, c, d, e] and ends with [h, i, j, k, l, n] IF we ...
user152503's user avatar
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Efficient insertion of deterministic acyclic finite state automaton (DAFSA) into a full-text search index?

I have a problem where I can easily construct a set of deterministic acyclic finite state automata (DAFSA) and I need a full-text search index, e.g. a suffix tree/array, over all the words encoded by ...
Arne L.'s user avatar
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Building Suffix Array from Suffix Tree. Inorder visit when node has more than two children

From the notes: It is not difficult to observe that the suffix array $\texttt{SA}$ of the text $\texttt{T}$ can be obtained from its suffix tree $\texttt{ST}$ by performing an in-order visit: each ...
Gerardo Zinno's user avatar
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Termination Character in Suffix Trees

I am trying to create a generalised suffix tree from a very large number of strings using Ukkonen's algorithm, however I run out of unique symbols to use as string termination characters. I was ...
PABLO's user avatar
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Constructing Generalised Suffix Tree from a large set of strings

Is there a published method to construct a generalised suffix tree from a large set of strings (~ 500 000) without the need of concatenating them? I would like to use the resulting suffix tree for a ...
PABLO's user avatar
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Longest common substring many strings to one

I'd like to find longest common substring (occurrences, start index) between one string and many others. For example source string - "abcdefghijklmncdop" other strings - ["cd", "ghi", "mn", "zw", "...
Fimka's user avatar
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How use generalized suffix tree to match prefix string?

I know that generalized suffix tree can match substring for a given pattern. But I have need a data structure which is able to match prefix of many strings. match sub string of of many strings. For ...
worldterminator's user avatar
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Find shortest prefix to generate original string by overlapping

Given a string $S$, I want to find the prefix string $P$ of shortest length, such that the original string $S$ can be generated by concatenating copies of $P$ (where overlapping is allowed). For ...
Robert Lee's user avatar
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Longest repeated substring

I am trying to solve a problem- Longest repeated substring in a string. Firstly, I built a suffix tree that takes O(n) time and then I traversed the suffix tree to find the deepest internal node. I am ...
shiwang's user avatar
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Understanding Martin Farach's suffix tree algorithm

I feel stuck at this point. I have spent several days trying to get my head around the algorithm, but both resources I have [1] [2] seems to skip over whatever details that would make me comfortable ...
lsund's user avatar
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Where did Don Knuth say that suffix trees were the "Algorithm of the Year 1973?"

If you do a quick search for suffix trees on Google, you'll find a bunch of sources saying that Don Knuth called them the "Algorithm of the Year 1973." However, I can't seem to find a source on this. ...
templatetypedef's user avatar
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return all strings contains given string in suffix tree

Here is my question: Given a compressed suffix tree of string S and a substring T. I need to return all substrings of S that begins with the substring T sorted by lexicographic order. My approach: I ...
ms_stud's user avatar
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Longest palindrome size with suffix trees

Suppose that I want to get the size of the biggest palindrome in a string s, and I am restricted to do it using suffix trees what is the best complexity I will get and why? I checked other answers but ...
warwcat's user avatar
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find if a string is periodic using a suffix tree, and prove it

A string s of length n is periodic if there is a string $u$ of length <= n/2 such that $s = u^ku'$, where $k$ is ...
ihadanny's user avatar
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Substring problems in suffix trees [duplicate]

Assume that we have some efficient way of creating a suffix tree of a string. Then I'm interested in efficient ways of finding: Length of longest repeated substring. Given some string $S$, then a ...
Eff's user avatar
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Finding a certain prefix of a string

Let $\Sigma = \{ \sigma_1 , ..., \sigma_t \}$ and let $S$ be a string from $\Sigma^*$. Denote: $n=|S|$, that is $S$ has $n$ letters. I'd like to find the shortest prefix $T$ of $S$ such that $S$ is a ...
Eric_'s user avatar
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Suffix Tree algorithm complexity [closed]

I really get confused by all the different complexities you find around. One is $O(n \log n)$, the next $O(n \cdot |\Sigma|)$. Personally I think it's the last one, but I'm really not that confident ...
user30484's user avatar
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How to create a suffix tree by hand

I will soon have to be able to draw a suffix tree of a word on an exam. I tried to understand the different algorithms available, but they seem rather complicated to do "by hand". I do not see a ...
user66875's user avatar
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Suffix trees - "smaller half trick"

I have been reading a paper Finding Maximal Pairs with Bounded Gap: An in there, there is a sentence (page 6 second paragraph): The “smaller-half trick” is used in several methods for finding ...
user6697's user avatar
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Why does a suffix tree have a linear number of nodes (relative to input string size)?

Aren't there $n^2$ unique substrings of a string (irrespective of the alphabet size)? Perhaps the number of unique suffix substrings is less than the number of unique substrings of a string.
Wuschelbeutel Kartoffelhuhn's user avatar
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What are the effects of the alphabet size on construct algorithms for suffix trees?

For what size alphabet does it take longer to construct a suffix tree - for a really small alphabet size (because it has to go deep into the tree) or for a large alphabet size? Or is it dependent on ...
John Smith's user avatar