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PortalKeeper's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
Provide a polynomial time algorithm that decides whether or not the language recognized by some input DFA consists entirely of palindromes
In a DFA there is only one start state, so wouldn't u always be q0, which is the start state? That means O(n) runtime not including checking c(u', v') right?
Provide a polynomial time algorithm that decides whether or not the language recognized by some input DFA consists entirely of palindromes
I think I understand that, but I lose you in the grouping of pairs of states. What is the algorithm for finding these bad vertices, and what is the time complexity?
Provide a polynomial time algorithm that decides whether or not the language recognized by some input DFA consists entirely of palindromes
Sorry, I cannot connect how this is solving the bigger problem. I see that you are grouping (u,v) and (u',v') as vertices which are only adjacent by one directed edge if and only if there is a path from u' to v'. I just don't understand the bigger picture of grouping them. Is there anyway for you to clarify. I really want to understand. Thank you.