i am having a real time understand why the following two languages are in two different complexity classes(the first is NP-Hard and the second is in P). tried to look online at various resources and lecture notes/books, but couldn't find a reason for it. the languages are:
1.$NONEMPTY-INTER_{DFA}\:=\:\left\{<A_1,...,A_k> |\:A_1,...,A_k\:are\:DFAS\:and\:L\left(A_1\right)\cap...\:\cap L\left(A_k\right)\:\ne \varnothing \right\}$
2.$NONDISJOINT_{DFA}\:=\:\left\{<A,B> |\:A\:and\:B\:are\:DFAS\:and\:L\left(A\right)\:\cap L\left(b\right)\:\ne \varnothing \right\}$
why is the second can be run in a polynomial time on a turing machine, and the first can not? would really appreciate an explanation for this.