The following theorem from Michael Sipser's book "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" states:
$A_{\textrm{LBA}}= \{ \langle M, w \rangle \mid \text{$M$ is an LBA that accepts string $w$} \}$.
THEOREM: $A_{\mathrm{LBA}}$ is decidable.
On the proof part, it states:
The idea for detecting when $M$ is looping is that as $M$ computes on $w$, it goes from configuration to configuration. If $M$ ever repeats a configuration, it would go on to repeat this configuration over and over again and thus be in a loop.
I do not understand this: "If $M$ ever repeats a configuration, it would go on to repeat this configuration over and over again". What if $M$ only repeat one configuration, then halts?