Let $B$ be an undirected tree with $|V|$ nodes given as adjacency list. I want to develop a greedy algorithm using pseudo code to find a maximal matching in runtime $\mathcal{O}(|V|)$.
My approach:
Find all leaves. For each leaf if the parent edge has not been seen by another leaf, mark the edge to its parent as matching edge. Now delete all found leaves, its parents and the associated edges of the parents. Start over from the beginning.
Pseudo code:
graph = {
1: [2, 3],
2: [1, 4, 5],
3: [1, 6],
4: [2, 7, 8],
5: [2, 9],
6: [3],
7: [4, 10, 11],
8: [4, 12, 13],
9: [5],
10: [7, 14],
11: [7],
12: [8],
13: [8, 15, 16],
14: [10],
15: [13],
16: [13],
# example graph I used for testing purposes
while we haven't seen all nodes:
leaves = [i for i in graph if len(graph[i]) == 1]
seen += leaves
for leaf in leaves:
parent = graph[leaf][0]
del graph[leaf] # Throw away all leaves
if not parent in seen:
del graph[parent] # And throw away their parent
matching_edges += [(leaf, parent)]
seen += [parent]
next_round_nodes += [parent]
But I'm afraid that is not linear, is it? Because first we look at $|V|$ and perform our algo. Then we do the same with $|V|-c$ leaves, where $c$ could actually be 2, if I understand that correctly, looking at graph which is a "line". So, really that seems quadratic.
- Is my algorithm correct?
- What is the runtime?
- If it is not linear, what other approach could I chose?