A question arising from a scheduling problem:
I have a finite set $X$ with elements $x_i$ and some preorder $\leq$.
I have pairs $p_j$ of $x_i$ (i.e. $p_j$ = $(x_k, x_l)$) with the property that $x_k \leq x_l$.
I say that for two pairs $p, p'$ : $p \leq p'$ when for all $x \in p, x' \in p': x\leq x'$.
I call two pairs $p = (x_1, x_2), p' = (x'_1, x'_2)$ unrelated if for no $x \in p$, $x' \in p'$ holds: $x \leq x'$ or $x' \leq x$.
Question: Does there always exists a total order $\leq'$ of $X$ which is compatible with $\leq$, with the property that $p \leq' p'$ or $p' \leq' p$, for all unrelated pairs $p, p'$?
To give an example:
$X = \{1,2,3,4,5\}$ , $p_1 = (1,2), p_2 = (3,5)$ and a partial order (preorder) $1 \leq 2, 3 \leq 5$. E.g. by topological sorting I can obtain a total order ($ 1 \leq 2 \leq 3 \leq 4 \leq 5$) which satisfies $p_1 \leq p_2$. However, tsort can also give me the total order ($1 \leq 3 \leq 2 \leq 4 \leq 5$), which does not satisfy $p_1 \leq p_2$ or $p2 \leq p1$ (here, $\leq$ refers to the corresponding total orders).
The relation to a specific scheduling problem is that I have undetermined times $x_i$ at which I acquire or release a resource. To avoid deadlocks, the pairs of (acquisition, release) must not overlap.
(In the actual problem, some time $x_i$ can occur in multiple such pairs, but that's another problem not considered here).
I think I found at least some idea, yet not sure if it is correct: The graph below shows the general structure of such a preorder (which we now treat as a directed acyclic graph): Given two such pairs $(x, x')$ and $(y, y')$, there is a path from $x$ to $x'$ (and from $y$ to $y'$). There may be nodes in-between, and edges connecting to that path. However, by our assumption that the pairs are unrelated, none of the incoming or outgoing edges in the section $x \to x'$ can reach $y$ or $y'$. We can now start constructing a topological sort. Without loss of generality, we reach $x$ as the first node of all pairs which we consider (which is not necessarily unique, but that does not matter). Because there are no edges between $x$ and $x'$ which connect from/to another point $y$ from another pair, we can continue our topological sort until we reach $x'$. Then, the pair $(x, x')$ is "compact" in our final order, that is, will have a $\leq'$ relation to all other pairs (because no point of any other reservation is between $x$ and $x'$, by construction of the total order $\leq'$). We can repeat this procedure every time we reach the first point of such a pair.
Is there any flaw in this argument?