This is a question from a 2007 exam paper for a course I'm studying, question 2 on page 2.
Theorem: Let $L$ be a context-free language. Let $L_{even}$ be the subset of $L$ consisting of all the strings in $L$ that have even length. Then $L_{even}$ is context-free.
The question is to prove this theorem using two of three different methods: using grammars, PDAs, or a theorem about language intersections.
I can very easily find a proof using PDAs (maintain your current odd/even status using the stack), and intersections (intersect with $\Sigma^*_{even}$, which is regular) - but I can't think of how to do it using properties of grammars. I suspect either Chomsky or Greibach Normal Forms comes in handy here but I'm not sure how.