I am currently reading Arora and Barak's Computational complexity. In Chapter 4 (Space complexity), they say the following:
Since the TM's work tapes are separated from its input tape, it makes sense to consider space-bounded machines that use space less than the input length, namely, $S(n) < n$. This is in contrast to time-bounded computation, where $\mathbf{DTIME}(T(n))$ for $T(n) < n$ does not make much sense since the TM does not have enough time to read the entire input. We will require however than $S(n) > \log n$ since the work tape has length $n$ [my highlight], and we would like the machine to at least be able to "remember" the index of the cell of the input tape that it is currently reading.
I doubt that the highlighted statement is true. As you can see, it says that to be able to remember the indexes of input tape, so
“Since the work tape has length $n$”
could not be true and it should be
“Since the input tape has length $n$”
If this is not a typo, I am confused why it mentions that the work tape has length of $n$, as we know that it may have smaller length.