Suppose I have $n$ independent observations $x_1,\dots,x_n$ from some unknown distribution over a known alphabet $\Sigma$, and I want to estimate the entropy of the distribution. I can count the frequency $f_s$ of each symbol $s \in \Sigma$ among the observations; how should I use them to estimate the Shannon entropy of the source?
The obvious approach is to estimate the probability of each symbol $s$ as $\Pr[X=s]=f_s/n$, and then calculate the entropy using the standard formula for Shannon entropy. This leads to the following estimate of the entropy $H(X)$:
$$\text{estimate}(H(X)) = - \sum_{s \in \Sigma} {f_s \over n} \lg (f_s/n).$$
However, this feels like it might not produce the best estimate. Consider, by analogy, the problem of estimating the probability of symbol $s$ based upon its frequency $f_s$. The naive estimate $f_s/n$ is likely an underestimate of its probability. For instance, if I make 100 observations of birds in my back yard and none of them were a hummingbird, should my best estimate of the probability of seeing a hummingbird on my next observation be exactly 0? No, instead, it's probably more realistic to estimate the probability is something small but not zero. (A zero estimate means that a hummingbird is absolutely impossible, which seems unlikely.)
For the problem of estimating the probability of symbol $s$, there are a number of standard techniques for addressing this problem. Additive smoothing (aka Laplace smoothing) is one standard technique, where we estimate the probability of symbol $s$ as $\Pr[X=s] = (f_s + 1)/(n+|\Sigma|)$. Others have proposed Bayesian smoothing or other methods. These methods are widely used in natural language processing and document analysis, where just because a word never appears in your document set doesn't mean that the word has probability zero. In natural language processing, this also goes by the name smoothing.
So, taking these considerations into account, how should I estimate the entropy, based upon observed frequency counts? Should I apply additive smoothing to get an estimate of each of the probabilities $\Pr[X=s]$, then use the standard formula for Shannon entropy with those probabilities? Or is there a better method that should be used for this specific problem?