Basically, the problem is that I always thought that the (unnormalized) $k$th order empirical entropy $n\cdot H_k(x)$ (see "Backround" at the end of this post for more information) for a given string $x$ of length $n$ equals the entropy of the empirical distribution on the set of all words of length $n$ (the conditional probabilities are taken from the observed occurrences in $x$). Until today, I was totally sure that this is true, but it seems to be wrong for very easy examples (e.g. for $x=1011$).
To be more accurate, consider $\Sigma=\{0,1\}$, $x=1011$ and $k=1$ such that $$n\cdot H_k(x)=4\cdot H_1(x)=2.$$ On the other hand, the corresponding empirical distribution is a First-order Markov source described by
- $P(\text{The first letter is }0)=0$
- $P(\text{The first letter is }1)=1$
- $P(\text{Letter }0 \text{ immediately follows after letter }0)=0$
- $P(\text{Letter }1 \text{ immediately follows after letter }0)=1$
- $P(\text{Letter }0 \text{ immediately follows after letter }1)=0.5$
- $P(\text{Letter }1 \text{ immediately follows after letter }1)=0.5$
Now this probabilities yield a random variable $X$ on words of length $n=4$, where the Shannon entropy is $$H(X)=-\sum_{w\in\Sigma^4}P(w)\log P(w)=\frac{9}{4}.$$ (You only need to consider words of length $4$ which start with $1$ and do not contain $00$.)
But shouldn't be both measures intuitively give the same value? I did the calculations more than once, so I am pretty sure the mistake is in my understanding, not in the calculation. Or did I always thought something wrong? But it seems so clear that the empirical entropy is the entropy of the empirical distribution (also for higher order Markov sources).
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For a given string $x\in\Sigma^n$ over an alphabet of size $k$, the ($0$-th order) empirical entropy is defined as
$$H_0(x)=\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{k}n_i\cdot\log \frac{n}{n_i},$$
where $n_i$ is the number of occurrences of the $i$th alphabet symbol.
The $k$-order empirical entropy ($k\ge 1$) is then defined as
where $S_w$ is the string obtained by concatenating the characters immediately following occurrences of $w$ in $x$.