- By "$T$ runs in polynomial time", I mean that $T$ halts for every input of length $n$ in $O(n^k)$ steps for some $k$.
- By Turing-recognizable, I mean that there exists a Turing machine that halts in the accept state iff the input $w = \langle T\rangle \in L$.
I'm not really sure how to approach this problem. It seems like I should reduce from $A_{\text{TM}}$ (or $HALT_{\text{TM}}$ depending on convenience). (Edit: wrong, both of these are Turing-recognizable.)
I also tried to directly do a running time variant of the diagonalization proof that $A_{\text{TM}}$ is undecidable. I began by assuming that $L$ is Turing-recognizable by some $M$. Then we can create a TM $D$ that reads $\langle T\rangle$ and simulates $M$ on it. Towards contradiction we then make $D$ run in a loop (or do $2^{|\langle T\rangle|}$ additional steps) if $\langle T\rangle \in L$, or halt immediately otherwise. But this doesn't work as we don't know the complexity of $M$. More precisely I can get a contradiction only if $\langle M\rangle \in L$.
Rice's theorem doesn't seem to be of much help either. If I could prove that (1) $L$ is undecidable and (2) $L^C$ is recognizable, then I would obtain $L$ is unrecognizable. But Rice doesn't help with (1) (because for $L(T_1) = L(T_2)$ says nothing about the running times), and (2) seems to be straight-up false.