This post introduces a new variant of 3-SAT called EQUAL-3-SAT where the number of clause is same as number of variables, and it is shown to be NP-complete.
I want to ask if the monotone version of this EQUAL-3-SAT is also NP-complete ,by monotone ,I mean where each clause can either contain all positive or all negative literals.
We can reduce 3-SAT instance to monotone-3-SAT but I don't understand how to maintain the "clause is equal to number of variables" property when converting 3-SAT into monotone-3-SAT
Motivation : The EQUAL-3-SAT is one of the most restrictive variant of 3-SAT I've seen yet ,with respect to the number of clauses it needs as an input ,thus I was wondering if this kind of restriction maintains its compleixty status when we try to make the variable overlappings between clauses less complex ,by adding the monotone condition ,we can make the overlappings less complex as every clauses is either all true or all false .
Does there exist a reduction from EQUAL-3-SAT to monotone-EQUAL-3-SAT ?