In this post,Monotone$(+, 2^-)$-SAT problem is defined as follows:
Given a monotone CNF formula $F^+$, where each variable appears exactly once (as a positive literal), and a monotone 2-CNF formula $F_2^-$ defined on the same variables as $F^+$, where all variables are negated. Is $F^+ \land F_2^-$ satisfiable ?), let us define the Monotone$(+, 2^-)$-SAT problem:
Given a monotone CNF formula $F^+$, where each variable appears exactly once (as a positive literal), and a monotone 2-CNF formula $F_2^-$ defined on the same variables as $F^+$, where all variables are negated. Is $F^+ \land F_2^-$ satisfiable ?
Consider this variant of Monotone(+,2−)-SAT problem where we restrict the number of clause of $F^+$ to be 2 and the width of these 2 clause can be anything ,that means that every instance of positive literal appears in only 2 clause.
Is this variant also NP-complete? I don't see any direct reduction from the main problem to this variant ,so does there exist any reduction or is it solvable in polynomial time?