From Discrete lizard's answer and Handbook of Computational Geometry (Third edition, 2018) Section 26, Chazelle's solution of high dimensional convex hull achieved worst case optimal. T.M. Chan's algorithm made the practical implementation, and Avis and K. Fukuda's solution was more efficient.
However, I recently came across the Quickhull algorithm based on Qhull librtary, and from Mauricio Fernández's answer, it seemed that the Quickhull was faster than T.M. Chan's algorithm. This confused me a bit because T.M. Chan's algorithm was designed specifically for the high dimensional convex hull computation, while the Quickhull arise from the lower dimensional algorithms.
Which algorithm was faster in theory and which algorithm is faster in practical, Quickhull,T.M. Chan's algorithm, or Avis and Fukuda's algorithm?