By the winning instruction I mean a string that a deterministic polynomial time Turing machine can use in order to win the opponent in a competitive game. The difference from a certificate is that the winning instruction does not have to prove its own correctness, you just trust it.
A naive winning instruction for TQBF would look like:
If the opponent has assigned $y_i=0$ then go to the line $a$, otherwise go to the line $b$.
The naive instruction would not be reusing the lines. I.e., say, it would say to go to line 2 if the opponent has assigned $y_1=1$ and to line 3 otherwise. Then the line 2 would tell to go to line 4 if the opponent has assigned $y_2=1$ and line 5 otherwise. Meanwhile, the line 3 would tell to go to lines 6 and 7 respectively. For $y_3$ you'd need lines 8 to 15. So, the amount of lines doubles with each variable which means such an instruction would have an exponential size.
A simple complexity class that has polynomial size winning instructions is $\Sigma_2^{\mathsf{FP}}$. Suppose a quantified boolean formula $\exists X\forall Y:\varphi(X,Y)$ is true. Then a partial assignment $p(X)$ that turns the formula into a tautology would be the winning instruction.
On the other hand, it seems that $\Pi_2^{\mathsf{FP}}$ has no such winning instruction: there are exponentially many different formulas that could be produced by the opponent.
Now, suppose a formula $\exists X\ \text{Maj}(Y):\varphi(X,Y)$. Assuming it is true, the winning instruction would be a partial assignment $p(X)$ that produces a formula $\text{Maj}(Y):\varphi'(Y)=1$. This means that $\mathsf{FNP^{PP}}$ also has polynomial sized winning instructions.
However, there does not seem to be a similar construction for TQBF. It's clear that the existence of polynomial sized winning instructions is necessary for $\mathsf{PSPACE\subset NP}/poly$, however it seems far from sufficient.
So, there would be two questions here:
- Is it an open problem whether TQBF has polynomial sized winning instructions?
- If yes, then what would be the consequences of that?