This question is a follow up to the question: Proving Equivalence of 1-dimensional Cellular Automaton and Turing Machines.
To simulate a CA with a TM, I used a construction which placed a marker on the ends of the input, and modeled each "step" with the transition function. Assuming that $\rho(\text{''blank''}, \text{''blank''}, \text{''blank''}) = \text{''blank''}$, what is the time complexity of simulating a CA? I'm only concerned with the upper bound.
I'm really stuck, any hints would be really appreciated.
Edit: As recommended, I am adding a better description of the algorithm:
On input $w = w_1 w_2 \dots w_n$, have the TM place unique begin and end characters on each side of the input. We model a single timestamp in the CA by multiple steps of the TM. The head sweeps through the taps, replacing its contents with the contents of the CA tape in the next timestamp. We write each character one place to teh right of where it would have been in the CA. Formally, this is:
there are states $q_{a,b}$ for all pairs of CA states, with transitions in the form: $$ q_{a,b} \to^{c \to \rho(a, b, c), R} q_{b,c}$$
after completing a single sweep, return the head to the start of the tape and repeat. Continue unless an accept character is written, in which case, enter the TM accept state.