Hi I'm trying to prove the following proposition:
Given a network $G,s,t,\omega$ where $\omega$ is the capacity, create a minimal cut cut ${S=\left\{ (s,v)\in E_{G_{r\_max}}\right\} }$ where $G_{r\_max}$ is graph representing the the residual network(meaning we take the group of all vertices that are reachable from s in $G_{r\_max}$). So that the cut is $\left(S,V\backslash S\right)$.
Given two maximal flows $f_1\neq f_2$ prove that $\left(S_1,V\backslash S_1\right)=\left(S_2,V\backslash S_2\right)$ (which are defined in the above mentioned form for each maximal flow).
I've tried proving by assuming the contrary and saying that $S_1 $ is not subset of $S_2$. Tried to say that this leads to $\exists \ v\in S_1 \ \ \mbox{s.t} \ \ v\notin S_2$. Tried looking at the intersection and union of these groups but to no avail.
I'd appreciate some guidance\explanation as to how best prove this claim.