Apparently it seems that "$X_k$ and $T(\max(k-1,n-k)$ are independent" is counter-intuitive, as at glimpse it seems that the value of $X_k$ depends on $k$ and so does $T(\max(k-1,n-k)$. So to clarify the situation we much look at the case and definition more closely.
Now as per the definition, $X_k$ is used to reflect the randomness of the algorithm in the recurrence relation of its time complexity. A deeper look at the definition of $X_k$ says that it depends on the value of the index of the pivot which is chosen in a particular call to the RANDOMIZED-PARTITION. As only one index of the array is selected as the pivot in a particular call to RANDOMIZED-PARTITION $X_k$ can have the value $1$ only for that particular pivot index $k$ and all other indices we have $X_k=0$ and the summation on the RHS of the recurrence reduces to only one term.
$$\sum_{k=1}^{n} X_k.T(\max(k-1,n-k))$$
$$=X_1.T(\max(1-1,n-1))+X_2.T(\max(2-1,n-2))+X_3.T(\max(3-1,n-3))+\ldots+X_n.T(\max(n-1,n-n)) \tag 1$$
Now suppose if RANDOMIZED-PARTITION returns $2$ we have,
Or if RANDOMIZED-PARTITION returns $n$ we have,
Note that in $(1)$ whatever be the value of $X_k$ the value $T(\max(k-1,n-k))$ does not change, this is so because of the following,
Thought it seems that $X_k$ depends on the summation variable $k$ but it is not the complete truth.
A more closer look into the definition of this indicator random-variable shows that $X_k$ depends on whether a particular value of the summation variable is choosen as the pivot index by the RANDOMIZED-PARTITION. So if in a call RANDOMIZED-PARTITION selects the pivot index as say $j$ then for $k=j$ we have $X_j=1$ and zero for all other $X_{k\neq j}$. So $X_k$ depend on the RANDOMIZED-PARTITION.
On the other hand $T(\max(k-1,n-k))$ is a random variable (as the text defines) but it has as its parameter $\max(k-1,n-k)$ which in turn depends only on the summation variable and no other hidden conditions.
From our above two claims we can say that $X_k$ and $T(\max(k-1,n-k)$ are independent.