Given a graph G = (V,E) every edge is assigned a real number Xe $\in$ [0,1]
The sum of x variables for all edges is equal to the number of edges -1 : $\sum x_V = |V|-1$
For a subset S $\subset$ V let us denote by $E_{(S)}$ the set of all edges with both endpoints in the subset S.
Give a polynomial time algorithm that takes as an input graph G and numbers $X_e$ for e $\in$ E, and either finds a subset S such that
$\sum_{e \in E(s)} X_e > |S|-1 $
or says that no such set S exists.
Analysis of its correctness and its running time.
Any suggestion please ?
---------------------------- IDEAS
min-cut project selection
min-cut baseball elimination
dynamic programming
I was trying to build a list of dictionaries, storing for each node, the sum of the edges of every subgraph in which it is.
work in progress..