How to prove if $B$, $\overline{B}\neq \varnothing$ , then for every recursive set $A$, $A \leq_m B$ ?
it means every recursive set is mapping reducible to set $B\neq \aleph$. I really have no idea to prove this.
$A,B$ are sets, $A \leq_m B$ if there is a computable function $f$ such that
$A = \{ x \in N | f(x) \in B\}$
Since we have $A \leq_m B$ and $A$ is recursive, it means checking membership (characteristic function) in $A$ is recursive, so it means checking $f(x) \in B$ is recursive, right?
I guess it means $B$ must be recursive too and it means every recursive set is mapping reducible in to every other recursive set. Am I right?