I'm reading the paper "A Practical General Method for Constructing LR(k) Parsers" by David Pager, and it contains the following paragraph:
We will first of all briefly review the LR(1) parsing and parser construction algorithms. In this paper the symbols of a grammar are denoted by Roman letters while Greek letters are employed to denote strings. $\epsilon$ is the null-string. $\alpha \Rightarrow^* \beta$ means $\beta$ is derivable from $\alpha$ (which is considered to be true if $\beta = \alpha$). By THEADS($\alpha$) we refer to the set $\{b \mid b \text{ is the head of a terminal string derivable from $\alpha$}\}$.
From what I can see THEADS here is what is usually called FIRST. Is this correct? Does THEADS predate FIRST?