To be safe, let me start this question by giving the definition of a TM I will be using: A TM is some $M = (Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, q_0, \delta, q_F)$, where $Q$ is the finite state set, $\Sigma \subset \Gamma$ are the input and working alphabet, $q_0, q_F$ are the initial and final states, and $\delta : Q \times \Gamma \times Q \times \Gamma \times \{L,N,R\}$ is the transition function. I am talking about single-tape TMs without input or output tape, so the initial configuration of input $w$ is just $B^{-\omega} q_0 w B^\omega$, where $B$ is the blank symbol.
The language I am considering is $L$ of all Turing machines $M$ which satisfy the following: There is a state $q$ of $M$ such that on the run of $M$ on the empty word $\varepsilon$, $q$ is visited more often than any other state.
"More often" talks about the cardinality, i.e. $q$ is visited more often than $p$ if $p$ is visited $n$ times (finitely often) and ($q$ is visited infinitely often or $q$ is visited finitely often but $>n$ times).
I came up with this language as an exercise for students, when I found that neither I nor any colleague I asked could come up with precise decidability results.
It is clear that $L$ is not coRE and therefore undecidable. We can, for example, reduce the epsilon halting problem $H_\varepsilon$ to $L$ by inserting a new state and have the TM visit that state once after each step of computation.
Unsolved so far is the question whether $L$ is RE. When allowing multiple tapes, it is not, as we can reduce $\overline{H_\varepsilon}$ to $L$. However, for single-tape TMs, our last guess was that it is enumerable by using the fact that a positive input which does not halt has to stay in a single state forever and can only expand the tape into one direction from that point on. We could not come up with an exact solution so far though.