Prove that $L = \{wu, wu \in \{a,b\}^* \ \land |w| = |u| \}$ is not regular.
I'm trying to approach this problem with the pumping lemma.
So I know I have to pick a string s, which can be split into xyz components in terms of the pumping length, p.
But I cannot seem to find an s.
For example using $ s = a^p b^p$ or $s = a^p a b^p b $, since $|xy| \le p \land |y| > 0$, then y must contain some a's. So we can try to pump $x y^i z$ to see the new string is still in L.
The issue is that if y contains an even number of a's it can always be pumped because the resulting string will have even length so w can be the first half and u be the second half.