
Suppose you have two heaps each containing $2^k - 1$ elements.

Design an efficient algorithm for merging these two heaps into a single heap.

My approach was to assume two heaps are maxheap. Create one node with value $-\infty$ and attach one heap as left subtree and another as right subtree, and call the heapify procedure. So it should take $O(\log(2(2^k-1)+1))=\log(k)$ time.

But my confusion is $-\infty$ valued node doesn't necessarily go at the last node of heap.

  • $\begingroup$ last node of heap you seem to be implying a specific implementation of heap where there is a last node - an "implied binary heap" in an array comes to mind. But: A heap is not an ordered tree: the "least priority key" does not need to end up in any given position - any leaf will do. Combining two heaps implemented with links is trivial: select the highest priority key from both root nodes, remove it from its heap and create a new root node for the combined heap holding this key and having both "input heaps" as children. (Note that this doesn't necessarily keep "balance".) $\endgroup$
    – greybeard
    Commented Nov 27, 2016 at 15:42

1 Answer 1


Calling heapify once isn't going to build a heap in one iteration . Instead merge the two arrays which contain both heaps initially and call BuildHeap() procedure. You will get a heap in O(n) time.


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