
enter image description here

This is the PDA to accept strings with equal number of $a$'s and $b$'s. The $\epsilon$ transition in the first state is causing nondeterminism. When we have input a with Z at the bottom of the stack, then at the beginning it can do $(a,Z/aZ)$ or $(\epsilon,Z/Z)$ and go to final state, so automaton has 2 choices which can lead to 2 different states.

How do I convert it to DPDA ? How do I remove that $\epsilon$ transition from first state to make the PDA deterministic?

Here, the stack symbol is $Z$ and the transition $(a,Z/aZ)$ means on seeing input $a$ with $Z$ at the top of the stack, push $aZ$.


1 Answer 1


The DPDA could be constructed by adding explicit states and dropping too permisive epsilon transition.

I will denote accepting state by paranthesis around the name.

$(q_0, \epsilon, Z, (q_f), Z) \text{ accept empty string}$
$((q_f), a, Z, q_a, a)\text{ add initial a (or after cancellation occurs)}\\ ((q_f), b, Z, q_b, b)\text{ add initial b (or after cancellation occurs)}\\ (q_a, b, a, q_a, \epsilon) \text{ even out two symbols}\\ (q_b, a, b, q_b, \epsilon) \text{ even out two symbols}\\ (q_a, \epsilon, Z, (q_f), Z) \text{ accept, it happens only with empty stack}\\ (q_b, \epsilon, Z, (q_f), Z) \text{ accept, it happens only with empty stack}\\ (q_a, a, a, q_a, aa)\text{ add another a to stack}\\ (q_b, b, b, q_b, bb)\text{ add another b to stack}$

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ If acceptance is possible with empty stack, then it should also be possible with final state. How can we draw a DPDA with final state acceptance for this language ? The only way I could think of is adding a delimiter at the end of the input (like a special character) to make it deterministic. But that would change the language. $\endgroup$
    – Sagar P
    Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 7:53
  • $\begingroup$ @SagarP While this equivalence holds true for NPDA, I'm not sure it holds for DPDA as well. The usual constructions introduce non-determinism, iir. $\endgroup$
    – Raphael
    Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 9:23
  • $\begingroup$ @Raphael, Yes the equivalence doesn't hold true. But I think if a language can be accepted by empty stack then it can be accepted by final state for DPDA but vice versa is not true because of prefix property. $\endgroup$
    – Sagar P
    Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 9:46

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