Is anybody can help me please to determine is this language is Context-free language or not?
L={wvw | w,v∈{a,b,c}+}
for example:
part of the language: acbac, abcab, bbcbb
not part of the language: abab, aa, abcc
I tried to prove using pumping lemma for context-free languages like that:
I take this word from language w=aacbbaa. I split the word to 5 parts uvxyz and if I can pump u and y and the word stays inside language the language is context-free:
u-aa, v-cc, x-b, y=bb, z=aa
after I pump v and y the word is still in language->
u-aa, v-cccc, x-b, y=bbbb, z=aa ->
But the answer inside answers section is that the language is not context-free.
What wrong with my prof?