Is this language context free?
$L = \{a^kb^lb^ka^l \ | \ k,l \in \mathbb{N}\}$
Using Pumping Lemma and $z = a^nb^nb^na^n$ I find it contradicting PL.
If $z = uvwxy$ and $|vwx| \leq n$, follows:
$vwx$ is in either $a^n$ or $b^n$, second $b^n$, or second $a^n$. After pumping form of the word changes and thus pumped word not anymore in the language. Done
$vwx$ lies between $a^nb^n$ or $b^nb^n$ or $b^na^n$. When we pump down, we get $a^pb^qb^na^n$ or $a^nb^pb^qa^n$ or $a^nb^nb^pa^q$ with $p,q \leq n$. Which shows that pumped word not in the language.
Where is the error? The language should be context free. Why PL shows that language is not context free?