I was reading about maximum flow algorithms comparing the efficiency of the different ones. On the Wikipedia Ford-Fulkerson algorithm page, they present the Edmonds-Karp algorithm as the BFS (instead of DFS) variant of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.
The point is on time complexity, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm has $O(|E||f_{max}|)$ whereas Edmonds-Karp is presented to run in $O(|V||E|^2)$. My main is question is then, how can I decide which of these algorithm is the faster on an arbitrary max-flow problem ?
I feel very unconfortable with the $f_{max}$ even if I understand it, because determining it is the goal of the algorithm so estimating it is likely to be hard on the very general case. Depending on problem, $f_{max}$ may be very high with respect to $|E|$, even if one can possibly apply a scale factor on all edges.
I also do not understand where the runtime difference comes from. Generally BFS and DFS have the same expected runtime, the difference between them is more on problem dependant space requirement and features like shortest path, topological order...