For the proof of "Cook-Levin Theorem", for a Turing Machine $M$ that accepts a language $L \in NP$ and input $x \in \{0,1\}^*$, we can create a SAT Formula, that is satisfiable if and only if $M$ accepts $x$. Could we adopt this construction so that for any Turing Machine $M$ and input $x \in \{0,1\}^*$ we can create a SAT Formula $\phi$ that is satisfiable if and only if $M$ accepts $x$ (even if this SAT Formula has more than polynomial length of $|M|$)? Or would that contradicts Rice's Theorem?
Edit: As dkaeae correctly pointed out, defining a SAT formula that is satisfiable iff a TM $M$ accepts an input $x$ is indeed possible. What I meant to ask though is, whether a reduction in the sense of a computable function exists (albeit not being limited to running in polynomial time, but indeed being somehow limited in the running time).