Is there a reduction from SUBSET-SUM to SAT? Just general SAT, not 3-SAT. Also the given multiset S only has positive integers.
SUBSET-SUM is defined as follows: Input: a multiset S = { x1 , ... , xn } of positive integers and a positive integer t Output: accept if there exists a sub-multiset { y1, …, ym } ⊆ S such that y1 + ··· + ym = t reject otherwise
x1 , ... , xn and t are encoded in binary notation.
The boolean formula SUM should be used in the reduction.
Let a1···ak, b1···bk, c1···ck be k-bit integers.
SUM(a1, ... , ak, b1, ... , bk, c1, ... , ck) is true iff (a1···ak) + (b1···bk) = c1···ck
For example, if k = 3, sum(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1) is true because 011 + 100 = 111.
Can this be done?
For example, what would the boolean formula produced by the reduction look like for S = { 010, 011, 011, 100 } t = 110