I don't know how to prove the following:
Let $a$ be randomly chosen out of $\{ 1,..., p-1\}$ and $b$ randomly chosen out of $\{ 0,..., p-1\}$. Let $m$ be a natural number smaller than a prime number $p$. Let $ h_{a,b}:$ $\{ 0,..., p-1\} \to \{0, ..., m-1 \}$ which is defined as $ h_{a,b} = (ax + b \mod p) \mod m$. Prove for all natural numbers $x, y$ with $x < y < p$: $ P_{a,b}(h_{a,b}(x)=h_{a,b}(y)) \le \frac{1}{m}$ where $P$ is the probability.