I've been reading a paper "A Linear Time Algorithm for Maximum Matchings in Convex, Bipartite Graphs" by Steiner and Yeomans. In this paper at some point they solve an off-line minimum problem that is stated as follows:
You are given an empty set $S$ and a sequence of $n$ $\textrm{INSERT}(i)$ and $m$ $\textrm{EXTRACT-MIN}$ calls. $\textrm{INSERT}(i)$ will insert a number no greater than $n$ into the $S$ (I think we can even claim that each number is inserted exactly once). And $\textrm{EXTRACT-MIN}$ will find minimum element from the $S$, delete it from the $S$ and return it. The problem is to determine sequence of results of $\textrm{EXTRACT-MIN}$ calls.
Paper authors don't provide an algorithm implementation for this problem and claim that this problem can be solved in $O(n)$ by referencing "Data Structures and Network Algorithms" by Tarjan.
I haven't found any mentions of off-line minimum problem in this book and all references I found on the internet reference a problem from "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen et al. But this problem is suggested to be solved using a disjoint-set data structure, which leads to $O(n\alpha(n))$ amortized complexity, which is clearly not $O(n)$ worst-case.
So my question: is there really a $O(n)$ algorithm for this problem or is it a some mistake in the paper?