I'm trying to solve the project planning problem using DLX and exact cover matrix, but I'm struggling to find the set of constraints (columns) and the set of options (rows) to achieve this. Here is a sample that represents the main constraints of the problem.
- Each project have a set of tasks $\{T_1, T_2, T_3\}$
- Each project have a set of resources $\{R_1, R_2\}$
- Each task has a duration ($T_1$ has $2$ days, $T_2$ has $3$ days, $T_3$ has $4$ days)
- Tasks can block each other, and tasks can be blocked by $0$ or many other tasks ($T_1$ is not blocked, $T_2$ is blocked by $T_1$, $T_3$ is blocked by $T_1$ and $T_2$)
- Only one resource can work on task at a time
- Resource can only work on one task at a time
I tried several combinations but none of them worked for me. I'm using this npm package to test the matrix.
Can anyone help me find the right set of constraints and options to feed the matrix. Thanks in advance