I am unclear about finding the memory complexity of an algorithm.
Some places refer memory complexity as what container would be carrying for instance:
for i = 1 to n-1
if d[i] == d[i + 1]
d[i] = (d[i] + 5) mod 13
Is considered as having $\theta(N)$ memory complexity.
At some other places how much data we write to a container is a complexity for instance:
Stack res
while (n != NULL)
res push n
n = n->next
while (res != null)
a = pop res
print a
Is considered as having a memory complexity of $\theta(N)$ too. Moreover:
Such thing is considered having $\theta(1)$ memory complexity
last = NULL;
while(last != head)
current = head
while(current->next != last)
current = current->next
print current
last = current
I know how these algorithms work and what they do, but I don't understand how are we meant to be analysing their memory complexity. Could someone explain that please?