Recall that the Chomsky hierarchy that says regular languages correspond to (non)deterministic finite-state machines, context-free languages correspond to non-deterministic pushdown automata, and recursively enumerable languages ($RE$) correspond to Turing machine. And we have
$$ \mbox{regular} \subset \mbox{context free} \subset R \subset RE.$$
As we get to a larger set of languages, the corresponding computation model gets stronger. For example, Turing machine is notoriously known for not guaranteeing to halt. Hence people restrict its ability a bit, by considering recursive languages ($R$), which correspond to total Turing machines (i.e. those that always halt; see Is there an always-halting, limited model of computation accepting $R$ but not $RE$?).
However, this is not good enough in the sense that it is undecidable to recognize total Turing machines among all Turing machines. Thus it is natural to reduce even further:
Question. What is the largest subset $D \subset RE$, such that the corresponding automata $A_{D}$ are decidable by Turing machines?
Here, $A_{D}$ is defined to be
$$\{x \in TM \,|\, x\mbox{ accepts some d }\in D\},$$
where $TM$ is the set of Turing machines. The problem of whether a given $x \in TM$ is an element of $A_{D}$ should be a decidable problem.