$IP=\left \{ \left \langle A,b \right \rangle \right \}:$ $A$ is a $m\times l$ matrix over the integers, $b$ is a vector of $m$ integers and there exists a vector $x$ of $l$ integers s.t $Ax\geq b$.
Note that $Ax$ and $b$ are both m-dimensional vectors.
When writing $Ax\geq b$ the meaning is the inequality holds in each coordinate.
$SET-COVER=\left \{ \left \langle U,S_1,\ldots,S_m,k \right \rangle \right \}:$ $U$ is a set of integers, $S_1,\ldots,S_m\subseteq U$ and there exists a subset $A\subseteq \left \{ 1,\ldots,m \right \}$ s.t $\left | A \right |=k \; \wedge \; \bigcup_{i\in A}S_i=U$.
The question asked to show $SET-COVER\leq_pIP$
I'm stuck mainly on the part of $x$ in $IP$ - all my attempts converged to failure because I was able to increase $x$ as much as I wanted in order to get $Ax\geq b$.