I'm reading a paper about Constraint Satisfaction Problems, specifically "A Characterization of Strong Approximation Resistance", Subhash Khot, Madhur Tulsiani, Pratik Worah (ECCC TR13-075).
The following sentence appears in the third paragraph of the very first page:
"... the fraction of satisfied constraints is at least $\rho(f) + \Omega(1)$"
At the bottom of page two we have a similar notation where GapCSP(f)$_{1-o(1), \rho(f) + o(1)}$ is defined.
It is confusing for me where the "limit" is being taken here. Put another way, what is the number that's varying inside the asymptotic notation?
I would think that maybe the limit is taken as the number of constraints goes to infinity, but the paper specifically mentions that fixed instances of CSP can have a fraction of $1 - o(1)$ constraints satisfied. But what values could be varying within a fixed instance? (page 2 paragraph 2)