I am an undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering. I have taken the topic of Travelling Salesman Problem as a Research Project for my final year. More specifically, I am focusing on Convex Hulls for solving the Euclidean TSP.
I have gone through the published literature and have found that there are no approximation bounds for solving TSP using this method. I have just a little background in TheoCS (Started reading for fun since the last 3 months).
My Question:
Additional Books / Papers needed for achieving a good understanding of the mathematical rigor of the problem.
Here's what I am currently going through:
- Approximation Algorithms - Vazirani
- Introduction to Algorithms - CLRS
- Introduction to Graph Theory - Douglas West
- Randomized Algorithms - Motwani and Raghavan
I have also completed an introductory online course on Algorithms by Udacity.
I think I may need some background reading in Computational Geometry (Currently I do not know more than what I read in the chapter from Cormen)
This is my first question here, so sincere apologies in case my question does not conform to the Community Standards.
A resource I stumbled across today: In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman - Mathematics at the Limits of Computation. This is a good book for popular reading, providing a survey of the problem and various methods that have been used to solve it.