I was learning about Büchi Automata and couldn't understand a part where they were describing "Non-empty $\omega$-regular languages contain periodic strings"
Let $A$ be a Büchi automaton and $s ∈ L^\omega(A)$. There is an accepting run $r$ of $A$ on $s$ such that $q ∈ \text{Inf}(r)$, for some $q$. Then, there exist finite strings $s_0$ and $s_1$ such that $s_0s_1$ is a prefix of $s$, and such that $A$, after processing $s_0$ is in $q$, and after processing $s_0s_1$ is also in $q$. Then, the periodic string $s' = s_0s_1s_1s_1 \dotsm$ is accepted by $A$ since there is a run on $s'$ that contains $q$ infinitely many times.
I bolded the part I'm having trouble understanding. Why is it that we can say after running a prefix like $s_0$ we are in an accept state $q$? It seems to me a prefix could easily end in some not accepting state (i.e not in $\text{Inf}(r)$).