It is a bit difficult to answer you because you state that you are using NFA
to do the matching. NFA being non deterministic, that leave the
interpretation technique open, depth first, breadth first, or
variants. So I am trying to give you an answer that should fit any
interpretation of the NFA. This technique should be applicable to
other constructions than intersection.
You have 2 NFAs, $A_i=(Q_i,\Sigma,\delta_i,\hat q_i, F_i)$ for
$i=1,2$. The intersection is a NFA $A=(Q,\Sigma,\delta,\hat q, F)$
defined as usual for the intersection, notably with $Q=Q_1\times
The idea of the technique is to implement the transition function
$\delta$ not as a table, but as a function $\delta: (Q_1\times
Q_2)\times\Sigma\to 2^{(Q_1\times Q_2)}$, that calls in turn the
function $\delta_1$ and $\delta_2$.
function delta((q1,q2),a)
{ return (delta1(q1,a), delta2(q2,a))}
This is to be read as a non deterministic program, in the sense
described in this answer to How does one formulate a backtracking
algorithm? That means that, in actual interpretation, the functions
are actually returning sets of results, one by one if backtracking, or
together if breadth-first.
The rest is up to the way you translate non-determinism into
determinism, either by a compiler, or by hand. It can be done
depth-first or breadth first. It can even use memo function to compute
incrementally and remember the part of the transitions of the
automaton $A$ that is needed for the string at hand, and possibly keep
it for future strings to be matched.
Of course, if your automata are DFAs, this is much simpler to read as
usual deterministic functions (possibly implemented by tables for
and delta2
. Then memoisation of delta
will construct
incrementally the table for the cross product.
The can be seen as an incremental construction, or as a generalisation of call by need. Rather than building the automaton up-front, you build the parts you need when you need them (and you can even forget some, if you run out of space). This can also be used for the powerset construction, and in many other circumstances.