Modern SAT solvers use the notion of "watched literals": when a value is chosen for a literal $l$, the solver only checks whether that falsifies clauses with $l$ in them if $l$ is one of the watched literals in the clause. This prevents checking every clause for every newly assigned literal.
The correctness of the scheme comes from the fact that clauses are disjunctions and will only be false if all literals in it are false. So we know it is not false until at least the watched literal is false, and we only need to check when that happens.
I am wondering why the dual idea of a "watched clause" is not used as well. This is how it would work: the overall formula is a CNF, that is, a conjunction of clauses. The watched literal scheme already checks very fast whether the CNF has become false. However, it would also be useful to detect when it becomes true: no further search would be needed then. A conjunction is only true if all clauses in it are true. So we choose one "watched clause" $C$ and, if a literal in $C$ is assigned a value, we check to see if $C$ has turned true. If so, we mark that clause as now irrelevant, and pick another clause not yet satisfied. If we cannot find a not-yet-satisfied clause, all clauses are satisfied and the problem is satisfiable.
I realize this would require keeping track of more information; assigning to literals would now not only require checking if they are watched literals, but also if they are in the watched clause. More importantly, looking for a new watched clause requires checking if other clauses are not yet satisfied, which means checking all their literals. Depending on the structure of the problem instance, this could be much slower. However, for some instances (for example, problems with small clauses) this would be much faster because satisfaction would be detected much sooner.
So my question is whether this is not used simply for empirical reasons (say, it would be slower for most benchmarks), or if there is a deeper flaw about it that I am missing.
A secondary question is: if this is a merely empirical issue, then is there some simple argument predicting this from the description of the technique alone, or is it something that would need to be observed in practice? Or, in other words, if this is a bad idea, is it so in principle, or just empirically?
It has been suggested by an answer that the notion of watched literals implies the use of DPLL which implies tracking which clauses have been satisfied, and that therefore the question does not make sense. It is true that watched literals are used in the context of DPLL, but it is not true that this means tracking satisfied clauses.
The paper on Chaff, which defined watched literals, describes DPLL in pseudo-code as
while (true) {
if (!decide()) // if no unassigned vars
while (!bcp()) {
if (!resolveConflict())
return(not satisfiable);
This shows that satisfiability is decided as positive only when all variables are assigned, not when all clauses are satisfied (which could happen much earlier). Chaff and zChaff have been the basis for many of modern SAT solvers, including the very prominent MiniSAT.
The same idea is described in detail in Filip Maric's paper "Formalization and Implementation of Modern SAT Solvers", which describes this approach as the basis for many of the most prominent SAT solvers today.