I observe a scene with two cameras, c1 and c2, that produce two images i1 and i2, respectively. What I now want is to bring i1 and i2 into alignment, that is I want to know where pixel (x,y) in i1 is in i2. This "alignment-matrix" should be valid in general, that is not only for i1 and i2, but also for further images of the cameras c1 and c2 as long as they haven't been moved. I believe this problem is called "correspondence problem".
I have now read quite a bit about camera calibration, image rectification, essential and fundamental matrix. But there are still open questions and I would not know how to achieve my task.
So, the question basically is:
The essential matrix E and the fundamental matrix F both only give constraints for the correspondence problem (point p in i1 must lie on line l in i2). How do I actually solve the problem?
Thanks a lot for your time and answers!