So I've been looking into lambda calculus on and off for months simply trying to understand the numerical system and the successor function. I understand that it's basically just argument evaluation, but the syntax confused me for the longest time. Finally, I found this:
S0 = (λ abc.b(abc)) (λ sz.z) = λ bc.b((λ sz.z) bc) = λ bc.b((λ z.z) c) = λ bc.b(c)
from this URL:
and realized that I didn't understand how this worked because there seems to be no delimiter indicating the start of argument space. My question is: Is there an acceptable delimiter for this in lambda calculus, and, if not, how can I verbalize this when writing or viewing it?
EDIT: Some people seem to have misunderstood this, so let me explain better. How do I indicate that a function is being called on a specific set of arguments? For example, in most programming languages the indicator is just parenthesis
Is there an equivalent to this in untyped lambda calculus?
ANOTHER EDIT: Okay, it's still misunderstood as to what I mean. Let's talk about the successor function again. The wikipedia pages shows something like the following:
Succ=La.Lb.Lc.b (a b c)
The marked whitespace is annoying since It's not clear that the part in parenthesis is still part of the function itself, and instead looks like an argument is being passed to the function. Is there a delimiting character that separates the body of the function from the arguments on which it is to be called? Example:
The problem that I think I'm having is that since functions can be returned as primary values, the syntax doesn't express that very clearly. However, in the example that I gave, we can see that there are three commas without trailing inputs, indicating that the function takes 3 values (the function to find the successor of and the successor's potential arguments). Is there a good convention to express the point where a function's body ends and the values that it needs to be evaluated begin?
*A VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: * This is not about currying.