I am trying to prove that the language $L=${$0^n 1^m |m ≤n^2$} is not a context free language. To do so I selected a string $w=0^p 1^{p^2}$. However, I am new to the CFL pumping lemma, and I am not sure if my proof is correct. Specifically, does the value of $i$ need to be the same for all divisions?
My first division is: v and y both contain 0’s.
$z=0^{-h-j-k-q} 1^{p^2}$
When $i=0$, I get $uv^0 xy^0 z=0^h 0^0j 0^k 0^0q 0^{p-h-j-k-q} 1^{p^2}=0^{p-j-q} 1^{p^2}$. This means $w$ contains less than p 0’s, but p2 1’s. This means for any valid value of p, there are more than p2 0’s. So this is not in the language.
The second division is either v or y contain both 0’s and 1’s. When $i=2$ I have $v=0^j 1^k$ or $y=0^j 1^k$, when $i=2$, so 0’s and 1’s out of order as the sequence $0^j 1^k$ will be repeated.
Finally the case that both v and y contain 1’s.
When $i=3$, the string becomes $uv^3 xy^3 z=0^p 1^3j 1^k 1^3q 1^{p^2-j-k-q}=0^p 1^{p^2+2j+2q}$. This means s contains more than $p^2$ 1’s, but only p 0’s, so the string is not in the language.