So we can prove that the language say $A = \{ \langle M,w \rangle \mid \text{M is TM that accepts } w^R \text{ whenever it accepts } w \}$ is undecidable by assuming it is decidable and use that to construct a $TM$ deciding $A_{TM}$. So by contradiction $A$ is undecidable. But what if the language was $\{ \langle M,w \rangle \mid \text{M accepts } w \text{ but on input } w^R \text{halts and rejects} \}$?
I was thinking to prove that it's r.e, we can construct a Turing recognizer, say $K$, which recognizes this language by simulating $M$ on $w$ and do whatever $M$ does. But how does the machine know what's $w$ and $w^R$? Non determinism maybe? Or am I looking at it the wrong way?
And to prove that it's undecidable would we use the same approach as that for $A$?