Suppose I have a min-heap SH stored inside an array. I can perform the operations:
- view-min(SH) in $O(1)$
- extract-min(SH) in $O(\log n)$
- insert(SH) in $O(\log n)$
- is-empty(SH) in $O(1)$
If I want to build a max-heap BH from the first one, the naive algorithm I can implement is obviously
BH <- build-heap()
while not is-empty(SH) do O(n)
elem <- extract-min(SH) -> O(logn)
insert(BH, elem) -> O(logn)
whose complexity is obvously $O(n \log n)$ worst case. Is this the best algorithm or there is any algorithm whose complexity is lower? Yes
According to Wikipedia we can at least achieve $O(n)$. Without making any assumption about our array being an heap. Can we use this fact to achieve $O(\log n)$ complexity? No
It should be impossible, because we have to deal with any of the $n$ items at least one time. Does this prove that the conversion is $\Theta(n)$?