Let the language $L$ be as follow ;
$$L=\{\langle M_1 \rangle \langle M_2 \rangle \mid L(M_1) \cap L(M_2)=\emptyset \}$$
$\langle M_1 \rangle$ and $\langle M_2 \rangle$ are the encoding of the Turing machine $M_1$ and $ M_2$.
Using Reduction, I have to prove that $L$ is not recursively enumerable.
In order to prove that I have to find a non-recursively enumerable language $S$ so that: $$S \leq L$$ One of the non recursively enumerable that I had in my lesson, were those : $${H_{\varepsilon}^\complement}=\{\langle M \rangle \mid \text{M does not halt on empty input} \}$$ and ; $${H_{all}}=\{ \langle M \rangle \mid \text{M halts on each input} \}$$
$$ \text{Let then } S = {H_{all}}$$
I have to prove in this case that ; $${H_{all}} \leq L $$
let then ; $$ f : {H_{all}} \rightarrow L \\ \langle M \rangle \mapsto \langle M \rangle \langle M^\complement \rangle$$
In this case $M^\complement $ simulate M in each input , when $M$ accepts/rejects, $M^\complement $ rejects/accepts.
$\texttt{case 1}$
$\langle M \rangle \in {H_{all}} \Rightarrow \text{M halts on each input and accepts/rejects} \Rightarrow M^\complement\text{ hatls on each input and rejects/accepts} \Rightarrow L(M) \cap L(M^\complement)= \emptyset $
$\Rightarrow \langle M \rangle \langle M^\complement \rangle \in L $
$\texttt{case 2}$
$\langle M \rangle \not\in {H_{all}} \Rightarrow \text{M does not halt on all inputs} \Rightarrow M^\complement\text{ halts on some inputs} \Rightarrow L(M) \cap L(M^\complement) \neq\emptyset $
$\Rightarrow \langle M \rangle \langle M^\complement \rangle \not\in L $
somehow i think , the contruction of the function of is not right, does anyone maybe have an other idea or an other S to choose ?