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Questions tagged [enumeration]

This tag covers algorithms that enumerate some set, whether finite or infinite. Do not use it for questions about computability classes, such as recursively enumerable (RE) sets; use tags [computability] and [semi-decidability] for these.

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0 answers

How to enumerate theories logically equivalent to natural deduction?

Natural deduction seems to generally be structured around the idea of (an/) introduction and elimination rules(s) for each logical symbol. I heard that that was an attempt to capture the way humans ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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What is the fastest algorithm for generating all non-isomorphic unlabeled free trees for n-vertices, and also for caterpillar trees of n-vertices?

I'm aware of some algorithms for each problem such as the WROM algorithm for unlabeled free trees and the algorithm from this page for all caterpillar trees of n-vertices. However, I haven't been able ...
Ryan Gillies's user avatar
1 vote
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Constraints on the order of program semantics given by an enumeration of turing-complete system programs

There are Turing-complete systems like Jot where every natural number can be mapped to a valid program. This results in a Gödel numbering. Now, if the semantics of the programs were, say ...
2080's user avatar
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Generating all unique (tape content, head position) possibilities for a Turing Machine

Assuming a single tape (which extends infinitely in both directions) Turing Machine, If its head and tape contents start at position $0$ and the tape contents are only extended to the right, then it ...
2080's user avatar
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How can I estimate the time and cost (in relation to the machine and vocabulary) to enumerate sentences of English of n words?

I want to consider: a vocabulary $V$ of $n$ distinct English words a sequence of $m$ words, selected from $V$ (with repetition allowed) a function $a$ which enumerates all unique sequences of $m$ ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Finding program that enumerates a language using Von Neumman's computability paradigm

Given an alphabet $\Sigma$ of $n$ elements, whenever there is some order $\leq$ over the elements of $\Sigma$, we define $s^{\leq} : \Sigma^{*} \mapsto \Sigma^{*}$ as \begin{align*} s^{\leq} \left(...
lafinur's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Rank and unrank for Heap's Algorithm

I am looking for an unranking (and ranking) algorithm for permtuations that is consistent with the order that Heap's Algorithm generates permutations. I have been researching a bit on ranking and ...
Gunnar Bernstein's user avatar
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Enumerating proper intersections

Let $U \subset \mathbb{N}$ be a finite universe set; $B$ be a set of nonempty subsets of $U$ such that $B$ covers all elements in $U$, i.e. $\bigcup_{b \in B} b = U$, and if $b \in B$ then $b \...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
1 vote
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Code to list all maximal bicliques of a bipartite graph

We are looking for a code to list all maximal bicliques in bipartite graphs efficiently, as we want to run it on (large and sparse) graphs, with up to roughly a million nodes and edges in no more that ...
Alt-Tab's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Looking for all "valid" combinations taken from a set of things, where subsets of "valid" things are always "valid"

I have a problem where I need to find all subsets of a set that satisfy some validity function. The function has the property that if a subset is invalid, so are all its supersets, and if a subset is ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
1 vote
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Enumerator for $L=\{0^{3^n}| n\ge 0\}$

I need to build an enumerator for $$L=\{0^{3^n}| n\ge 0\}, \Sigma = \{0\}, \Gamma = \{0, x, \sqcup\}$$ that has at most 10 states, including print and halt states. I can ignore the halt state and any ...
CforLinux 's user avatar
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Iterating over combinations of 4 timestamps from 2 timelines *efficiently*

I need help in finding a more performant algorithm. I have two timelines in the form of two indexed lists where each element is a floating-point value that represents seconds. The values in each list ...
Enyium's user avatar
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Iterate through all values of a certain subset of all permutations

Let's say we've got $n$ numbers to multiply together. But the multiplication operation, like in computer floating-point arithmetics, is not associative. Thus the order of multiplication matters. ...
user2373145's user avatar
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Given a list of strings enumerated over a finite alphabet, what's the most efficient way to get a string by its index?

Say you have the finite alphabet $\{a,b,c,d,e,f,g\}$ and an enumeration of finite strings over it by the shortlex order (length-lexicographic ordering), starting with the empty string, i.e., $\epsilon,...
Quavo's user avatar
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Recreate a spanning tree in a grid graph given vertex descriptions

Let's assume I have graph above with spanning tree pointed out by blue edges. Vertex at position (1,1) (row 1, column 1) is connected to the bottom vertex and has degree 1. Vertex at position (4,2) (...
Looft's user avatar
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1 answer

Enumerating through Turing Machines That Solve Same Problem

Is it possible to enumerate through all the Turing Machines that solve the same given problem? For example, we know that there exists a Turing Machine that finds a satisfying assignment given a 3SAT ...
Alex Johnson's user avatar
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Prove that a predicate is not computable

Prove that the following predicate is not computable: $P_e(n) = \begin{cases} 1 & \textrm{if } \phi_n(n) = e \\ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \end{cases}$ Could someone explain how to approach ...
felifreee's user avatar
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How can I generate all combinations of 2 sets of unique numbers? How are those called?

I want to generate 2 sets from N elements. Sets must be unique in the combination of sets Numbers must not repeat across the 2 sets Sets can have any amount of numbers, but must not be empty ...
jokoon's user avatar
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Is the following function computable? is it total?

I have the following function: $f : N \to N $ and $f(n)= \max_{i \leq w(n)} g_{i}(n)$ with $g_1, g_2,...g_{w(n)}$ being an enumeration of all computable functions $g_i$, and $w : N \to N$ being any ...
Joey's user avatar
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2 votes
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Algorithm for finding subsets subject to union condition

I'm a mathematician and the following came up in my research: Fix some positive integers $a_0,...,a_n$ and $N$. Consider subsets $A_i \subset \{0,...,N\}$ where $|A_i|=a_i$, subject to some fixed ...
Alvaro Martinez's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

Can any known sub-Turing-complete model of computation enumerate precisely the set of prime numbers?

I wish there were more, but the subject pretty much captures my whole question. Is there a non-Turing-complete model (some constrained term rewriting system or automaton or what have you) which is ...
Trev's user avatar
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Is set of all RE languages $\subseteq\\$ $\Sigma^{*}?$ [closed]

We know that any languages $\subseteq\\\\$ $\Sigma^{*}.$ Because any language collection of string over alphabet. And we know that set of all languages is $2^{\Sigma^{*}}$ which doesn't $\subsetneq\\\\...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Reduction from recursive language to recursive enumerable

If any language $L_1$ reduces $L_2$ in polynomial time $L_1\leq_p^\mathsf{}L_2.$ If $L_1$ is recursive then $L_2$ is recursive and recursively enumerable, is it true? Because $L_2$ is at least as ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Given a finite alphabet, how to generate all possible strings while excluding those that don't feature an element at least once?

Say you have the finite alphabet {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}. It's trivial to enumerate all strings of length <= 1000 over that set. But what would be an efficient way of specifying a subset of those strings ...
Quavo's user avatar
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Runtime of enumerating all integer vectors with a given sum where every element is greater than sqrt(k)

The problem of enumerating all lists of integers such that the list sums to a known value $k$ is well known and takes exponential time to compute. If the problem is restricted so that the integers ...
taktoa's user avatar
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Using graph symmetries to speed up subgraph enumeration

I have an undirected graph $G$. It has some symmetries in the sense that I know it's automorphism group $\text{Aut}(G)$. I am searching for a specific subgraph defined by some constraints $\phi$ and ...
Jáchym Barvínek's user avatar
-1 votes
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|L(M)| <= 330 is not computably enumerable

M is a turing machine description, L(M) is recognized by M, |L(M)| is the size of this language. Why is {M : |L(M)| <= 330} not CE? I can't seem to understand the logic why it is not CE, wouldn't ...
paul lacher's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the union of computable enumerable sets computably enumerable

Let $\{A_n : n \in \mathbb{N}\}$ be a collection of c.e. (computably enumerable) sets. Is $\bigcup_n A_n$ c.e.? That is, is the union of c.e. sets c.e.? Otherwise, under what conditions will this be ...
Amit wadhwa's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Show that a language is decidable iff some enumerator enumerates the language in decreasing order

Show that a language is decidable iff some enumerator enumerates the language in decreasing order. I know a language is decidable iff some enumerator enumerates the language in the standard string ...
Juns's user avatar
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2 answers

What does an admissible numbering of computable functions look like?

I'm trying to understand how we can construct an admissible ordering of the computable (meaning, partial recursive) functions. Initially my take on such an enumeration was from the point of view of an ...
user111064's user avatar
2 votes
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Permuting integer vectors $x$ and $y$ which add to integer vector $z$

I posted this on mathoverflow but haven't recieved any comments. I wonder if there might be some insight from this community. Thanks! The problem Suppose you have nonnegative integer vectors of length ...
foutandabout's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to iterate the Hardy-Ramanujan integers quickly

The Hardy-Ramanujan integers, A025487 - OEIS, are integers which when factorized, have their exponents for all the primes starting from 2, in decreasing (not strictly) order. The first few terms are: $...
simonzack's user avatar
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Proof that languages are Turing-recognizable iff computably-enumerable

A very small question on this proof, which I found as Theorem 3.21 in Sipser's, and in my lecture notes. In the "only if" direction, we assume that a Turing machine $M$ recognizes some ...
Davide Leonessi's user avatar
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Enumerator for Word and Halting Problem

in theoretical computer science I learned for every recursive enumerable language there would be an enumerator and a grammar. So since word problem and halting problem are recursively enumerable, I ...
FelixOuttaSpace's user avatar
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Why do we consider enumeration up to $\omega$ instead of leaving it to as many ordinal numbers?

A few minutes ago I asked a question about a "proof" that $\mathbb{R}$ is enumerable that crossed my mind: What's wrong with this "proof" that $\mathbb{R}$ is enumerable? I was ...
Novicegrammer's user avatar
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What's wrong with this "proof" that $\mathbb{R}$ is enumerable?

The fake proof: We know that $\mathbb{R}$ is uncountable, hence we cannot enumerate over it. But what we do know is that $\mathbb{Q}$, the set of rationals, is countable, and even denumerable. We ...
Novicegrammer's user avatar
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Finding index of $p_{k}$ element in the original sorted array if elements were to be removed using a specific condition

Consider a sorted list of numbers $C_{0}=\{0,1,2,3,...,n-1\}$ from where one element will be eliminated at each step. We are also given a value $L$ in $[0, 1)$ and let the indexing start from $0$. ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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How to define enumeration of the set of finite state machines?

I want to write a function that takes N (maximum number of states) as a parameter, enumerates all possible finite state machines up to N states, and returns random FSM with a probability in proportion ...
Oleg Dats's user avatar
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Decide if a string is a member of a language that represents $P$?

For some enumeration of the complexity class P (such as this as an example: How does an enumerator for machines for languages work?), for each string 𝑝 in the enumeration, does there exist some other ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Complexity of enumeration vs complexity of counting

I have a problem understanding the difference between complexity of enumeration and counting. We can solve every counting problem using enumeration algorithm. Now, I have problem with the following. ...
dumpram's user avatar
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Algorithm for enumerating over all possible pairs, by size (with some added conditions)?

Is there a way to enumerate, by size (the size of a pair is |𝑥|+|𝑦| but if the enumerator represents them in some different way than simply concatenating them (like via some different encoding) then ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Can enumeration take advantage of non-determinism?

If I want to build an NDTM to enumerate a list (of all Turing machines, for example) is there a way to use non-determinism to "speed this up" or take advantage of it somehow? What types of of r.e. ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Single-valued enumeration of all c.e. sets

Please help prove the following statement: There exists a single-valued computable enumeration of the family of computably enumerable sets. Definitions: 1) Let $S$ be nonempty countable set (...
T uS's user avatar
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Time complexity of a recursive enumeration in the problem of finding n-tuples of naturals greater than 1 with bounded product

I have to determine the time complexity of a recursive enumeration in the problem of finding n-tuples $(k_i, ..., k_n)$ of naturals greater than 1 with product less or equal to $K$. Problem can be ...
dumpram's user avatar
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Can you verify a word's position in an enumeration faster than performing the enumeration?

Pt 1. Given as input the tuple: (word (from an r.e. language we fix), natural number)--does there exist a verifier, that runs faster than simply enumerating that language, that can accept if the word ...
user avatar
2 votes
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How to enumerate all Turing machines?

Why is this true: “There are countably many Turing Machines” In the top answer for this question a description of how to enumerate all Turing machines is given. It all is clear except for one part: ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does an enumerator for machines for languages work?

In Dexter C. Kozen - Theory of Computation (2006, Springer) page 319 exercise 127 he says : "A set of total recursive functions is recursively enumerable (r.e.) if there exists an r.e. set of indices ...
user avatar
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How do you represent an r.e. complexity class with a list of TMs?

In this book ‘Theory of computation’ By Dexter Kozen on page 313,exercise 127 he says "A set of total recursive functions is recursively enumerable (r.e.) if there exists an r.e. set of indices ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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Can a DTM simulate an enumerator E?

An enumerator is defined as a 7-tuple: A Deterministic Turing machine is defined as a 7-tuple: ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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2 answers

Enumeration of a class of languages

Can you enumerate a class of languages in such a way that the description of every language/ machine enumerated encodes where it was in the enumeration? Ex:if you are given the description of the bth ...
DeeDee's user avatar
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