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Rank and unrank for Heap's Algorithm

I am looking for an unranking (and ranking) algorithm for permtuations that is consistent with the order that Heap's Algorithm generates permutations. I have been researching a bit on ranking and ...
Gunnar Bernstein's user avatar
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Looking for all "valid" combinations taken from a set of things, where subsets of "valid" things are always "valid"

I have a problem where I need to find all subsets of a set that satisfy some validity function. The function has the property that if a subset is invalid, so are all its supersets, and if a subset is ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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Iterating over combinations of 4 timestamps from 2 timelines *efficiently*

I need help in finding a more performant algorithm. I have two timelines in the form of two indexed lists where each element is a floating-point value that represents seconds. The values in each list ...
Enyium's user avatar
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How can I generate all combinations of 2 sets of unique numbers? How are those called?

I want to generate 2 sets from N elements. Sets must be unique in the combination of sets Numbers must not repeat across the 2 sets Sets can have any amount of numbers, but must not be empty ...
jokoon's user avatar
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What do you call a greedy algorithm that solves a combinatorial problem by optimizing the best k>1 choices altogether?

Suppose you have a problem which goal is to find the permutation of some set $S$ given in input that minimizes an objective function $f$ (for example the Traveling Salesman problem). A trivial ...
melfnt's user avatar
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2 answers

Number of possible heaps on $\{1,...,2^h-1\}$

Let $C_h$ be the number of possible heaps for the set of keys $\{1,...,2^h-1\}$. Determine a recurrence relation for $C_h$ via the substitution method and prove it. Definition A binary tree is ordered ...
Christian Singer's user avatar
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When do we use parallel algorithms for enumerating combinations?

I know that combination is used in many areas. But do we really need parallel version of algorithms for that? If so, where do they used? Here is a famous example of parallel algorithms, Adaptive and ...
one's user avatar
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3 votes
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Counting Colorings of a Grid

Given a $n \times m$ grid, define a valid coloring as mapping from the grid cells to a set of $k$ available colors such that no two adjacent cells have the same color. Cells are considered as adjacent ...
neutron-byte's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Enumerate partitions of a set with blocks of equal size

Given a set $\{1,\ldots,ck\}$, is there a known algorithm to efficiently list all partitions in with $c$ blocks of cardinality $k$? In The art of computer programming (Fascicle 3B) by Knuth, there's ...
Filippo Bistaffa's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it feasible to generate every possible RGB image?

This topic is normally brought up in computer science as a demonstration of how to calculate permutations but it stops there since we usually end up calculating that there are more images of a decent ...
zoplonix's user avatar
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Distribution of the number of bits changed during generation of all binary tuples

Knuth's TAOCP chapter 7.2.1 discusses generating all the $n$-bit binary strings. I am interested in the total number of bits that change during this process. During generation we store an $n$-bit ...
András Salamon's user avatar
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How to enumerate all combinations of $n$ binary variables s.t. their sum is $k$?

Suppose we are given $n$ variables $X_i, i=1,\dots,n$, each taking values from $\{0,1\}$, and a constant integer $k$ with $ 0\leq k \leq n$. What are some efficient ways to enumerate all possible ...
Tim's user avatar
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